Australian Authors

australian authors green hill publishing self-published authors

What is Australian Authors?

Australian Authors is Green Hill Publishing’s catalogue of books that we’ve worked on through the years. It features our authors and their books, and an individual link for each author where readers can contact us about purchase enquiries.
An author webpage is included in your publishing package and will be made by us upon the completion of your project.

Is Australian Authors an author website?

Australian Authors is not an author website, instead it features all our authors in one place on an individual webpage.
If you’re interested in a website that is exclusive to you and your books, we can make author websites that do just that. Let us know your project scope and get your author website up and running in no time.

Can I sell my book through my webpage?

We cannot sell your book directly through Australian Authors Store, but your individual author page can up to three links, connecting readers to:
  • You directly.
  • An online bookstore of your choice.
  • Your author website.
These links will steer readers towards avenues where they can buy your book.
Visit our Australian Authors site now and see the projects that we have published over the years.