
Exclusive Bookmas Gifts for all authors

Christmas deals for authors

Cover Design Voucher 

Transform dreams into reality with a professional book cover design valued at $1,000, now available at just $770 for this holiday season! This holiday season, give the aspiring author in your life (or yourself) the ultimate present to kickstart their book publishing project this Christmas season – a Cover Design Voucher! 

Key Features

Bespoke book cover design from our Book Designers tailored to your vision.  

Elevate your publishing project with a design valued at $1,000.  

Exclusive access to discounted rates for our Professional Publishing Package. 

Limited Time Offer

Secure the Cover Design Voucher from the 1st of December 2023 to the 15th of January 2024 and bring your literary masterpiece to life. From concept to creation, we will create a cover that not only satisfies you but also captivates your readers.  

This exclusive offer is available for a limited time only! Don’t miss out on the chance to make your book stand out on the shelves. 

How to Redeem

  1. Visit
  2. Add ‘Cover Design Voucher’ to your cart. 
  3. Use code: XMAS_COVER at checkout to unlock this festive price! 
Christmas deals for authors

“Beat Author Procrastination” Commitment Sessions

Includes free copy of Solving the Procrastination Puzzle by Timothy A. Pychyl, PH.D.

Do you need a push to finish writing your book? Do you want to publish in the New Year but want to be held accountable to finish your manuscript? If you answered yes to these questions, this is the offer for you! 

Beat procrastination and become a published author sooner. We are offering this for $499 only over the Christmas festive season.

Many self-published authors spend years preparing their manuscript for publication. And others commit to a New Year Resolution to finish their book sooner. The annual Christmas season is an opportunity for authors to dedicate their time to finishing their book.

Key Features

Lock it in. Your project will be scheduled to commence production in January 2024. Finish your manuscript and your published book can be in your hands in February/March (Conditions Apply).

✓ Three milestone accountability sessions from our editors to keep your project moving along. When you hit a road-block, resolve it quickly with practical professional advice.

Pay a commitment deposit of $499 to join the program and have the fee deducted from the Professional Publishing Package when your manuscript is finalised. This means the Beat Author Procrastination program is free!

Receive a free print copy of Solving the Procrastination Puzzle by Timothy Pychyl PH.D. delivered to your door.

Receive a free copy of the Little Book of Big Book Marketing Tips by Kaitlan Sharpe and Rebekah Manser to get a head start on your book marketing campaign. 

Limited Time Offer 

Ready to make a commitment and ensure your book is on its way to publication in early 2024? Redeem this offer today at an unbeatable price for a limited time – open from December 1st until December 31st 2023. 

How to Redeem

  1. Visit
  2. Add ‘Beat Author Procrastination Commitment Sessions’ to your cart. 
  3. Check out and we will be in contact to organise your sessions.


Christmas deals for authors

Chat With a Publisher 

Introducing our exclusive ‘Chat with a Publisher’ – the perfect gift for every aspiring author. Navigate the intricate world of publishing with ease.

Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, this session is your chance to gain valuable insights and honest expert advice from an industry expert completely obligation-free. Valued at $165, this experience can be yours this Christmas holiday season for only $99! 

Key Features

45-minute private phone call with a seasoned industry expert.  

Ask any burning questions you have about the publishing process.  

Get personalised advice on your book concept, obligation-free. 

Receive a full report upon completion of the call with personalised recommendations for your project.

Limited Time Offer 

Ensure you embark on your writing journey with confidence! Grab this opportunity to chat directly with an industry expert at an unbeatable price from the 1st of December 2023 to the 15th of January 2024. 

This exclusive offer is available for a limited time only! Don’t miss the chance to have your questions answered and gain clarity on your writing journey. 

How to Redeem

  1. Visit
  2. Add ‘Chat With a Publisher’ to your cart. 
  3. Use code: XMAS_CHAT at checkout for the special holiday price! 


Cover Design Voucher


This voucher must be redeemed by 15 January 2023, after which point it will no longer be valid.


To redeem, simply enter the code online at

This voucher is valid for a single transaction only.

Redemption of this voucher entitles the customer to a discount on our Professional Publishing Package.


This voucher is not refundable and cannot be returned or redeemed for cash or credit.

The value of this voucher will not be reimbursed if unused; please choose your purchase carefully.


Green Hill Publishing reserves the right to cancel this voucher if necessary due to circumstances beyond our control.

Green Hill Publishing reserves the right to cancel any voucher obtained fraudulently.

We reserve the right to cancel this voucher for any misuse or violation of terms.

Vouchers may be voided by Green Hill Publishing if any alterations or unauthorised endorsements are detected.

In the event of a business closure or transition, outstanding vouchers may be subject to cancellation.

The issuer may cancel this voucher if it’s found to be part of an unauthorised resale transaction.

Modification of Terms

Terms and conditions of this voucher are subject to change and are available on our website.

For additional terms that apply to the Cover Design Voucher, refer to Section 4. TYPESETTING AND DESIGN of our Terms of Service.

Expiration Date

The voucher is valid until 15 January 2023 and will not be extended beyond this date.

“Beat Author Procrastination” Commitment Sessions


The deposit for this service must be made by 30 December 2023, after which point the service will no longer be available.


To place a deposit for this service, simply purchase the service online at

This service is valid for a single transaction only.


The deposit on this service is not refundable.

The deposit will not be reimbursed if unused; please choose your purchase carefully.


The Book Commitment Sessions service includes:

  • Three 15 minute sessions.
  • Assignation to one editor for all sessions.

The Book Commitment Sessions can only be scheduled for one of two days of the week:

  • Wednesday (10, 17, 24 January 2024)
  • Thursday (11, 18, 25 January 2024)

Missed sessions by the client are not able to be rebooked nor are they able to be reimbursed.

Green Hill Publishing reserves the right to reschedule sessions due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control.


Green Hill Publishing reserves the right to cancel this service if necessary due to circumstances beyond our control.

Green Hill Publishing reserves the right to cancel any service obtained fraudulently.

We reserve the right to cancel this service for any misuse or violation of terms.

This service may be voided by Green Hill Publishing if any alterations or unauthorised endorsements are detected.

In the event of a business closure or transition, outstanding this service may be subject to cancellation.

The issuer may cancel this service if it’s found to be part of an unauthorised resale transaction.

Modification of Terms

Terms and conditions of this service are subject to change and are available on our website.

Expiration Date

This service is valid until 30 December 2023 and will not be extended beyond this date.

“Chat with a Publisher” voucher


This voucher must be redeemed by 15 January 2023, after which point it will no longer be valid.


To redeem, simply enter the code online at

This voucher is valid for a single transaction only.


This voucher is not refundable and cannot be returned or redeemed for cash or credit.

The value of this voucher will not be reimbursed if unused; please choose your purchase carefully.


Green Hill Publishing reserves the right to cancel this voucher if necessary due to circumstances beyond our control.

Green Hill Publishing reserves the right to cancel any voucher obtained fraudulently.

We reserve the right to cancel this voucher for any misuse or violation of terms.

Vouchers may be voided by Green Hill Publishing if any alterations or unauthorised endorsements are detected.

In the event of a business closure or transition, outstanding vouchers may be subject to cancellation.

The issuer may cancel this voucher if it’s found to be part of an unauthorised resale transaction.

Modification of Terms

Terms and conditions of this voucher are subject to change and are available on our website.

Expiration Date

The voucher is valid until 15 January 2023 and will not be extended beyond this date.